“Everyone has the right to be free from Cyber Crime fear” Do you agree? We all know deep and down that if the invention of Internet is bliss then using it more promptly is dangerous. We all fear by the stories revolving around us like some ones account is hacked; some ones data has been steeled or some ones valuable information has been misused.
We think thrice now before using public PCs and Laptops which is great but we have developed trust issues so far. We even do not sustain trust on our close ones. Well it’s not only you. We all are facing this dilemma. This is why we need antivirus, and this is why we are here to discuss about how to reset Kaspersky Total Security Trial 2019.
Kaspersky Antivirus is one of the quality assured brand, which provides proper security software antivirus for use. Along with this, users are also delighted to use trial version of antivirus to explore more. Now follow the steps to rest Kaspersky Total Security Trial 2019 and if you face any errors don’t worry we are here. Your problems can be fixed within the fraction of time by dialing Kaspersky Antivirus customer service number. Please feel free to grab the contact number to resolve the queries.
Steps to Reset Kaspersky Total Security 2019:
· Open your Kaspersky Total Security Trial version
· Now have a look that how many days are remaining
· Go on the gear icon i.e. Settings options on the bottom left corner of the trial version.
· After going in you will see a tab named “Protection” under General heading
· Move the slider “Off” on Protection tab
· Now go to Additional setting
· Here uncheck the box against Enable Self Defense option and unload Antivirus
· Now Run KRT.exe and Click “Reset Activation”
· Launch the Antivirus Program
· Restart the PC depending on the antivirus version KRT version
· After performing the above task, remove KRT.exe and empty the recycle bin
· Now Run the antivirus protection to include
· Resume your protection by activating the Antivirus Program
You are all done!! Now you will be able to reset the Kaspersky Total Security 2019. Well, enjoy your extended trial version and keep the system safe and secure. Not only this, you can also attain assistance from us. Our tech-group is passing the best bit of technician support to investigate and fix the issue.